Adam M. Costello

The AMC Logo


Meaning and Usage

The AMC logo can appear in a two-dimensional form (above left), a three-dimensional form (above center), or an approximated hand-drawn form (e.g. above right). I created the logo to refer to myself, and to indicate my ownership, authorship, or endorsement of objects and works bearing the logo.

Therefore, unauthorized use of the AMC logo can constitute impersonation, forgery, and fraud. When in doubt, get my permission.


I first fashioned a crude precursor to the AMC logo in 7th grade woodshop (late 1983 or early 1984). I refined the 2-D logo into its final form in 9th grade (late 1985). I designed the 3-D logo during my freshman year of college (late 1989). Because the model is so simple, I was able to render the gray levels by hand.


In the 2-D version, all eight strokes, including the diagonal ones, are exactly one unit wide. Most of the vertices lie on unit lattice points, and none of them need more than 1/12 unit resolution. The geometry is based on the 3-4-5 right triangle.

The 3-D version uses the same outline as the 2-D version, but adds additional interior vertices, for which 1/12 unit resolution is still sufficient. The model has all the protruding surfaces intersect the background plane at 45 degree angles, and the light rays all perpendicular to the leftmost protruding surface, so there are no shadows. I neglect the effect of light scattering off one surface and hitting another. The gray levels turn out to be exactly 0%, 10%, 20%, 36%, 64%, sqrt(1/2) (approximately 71%), 80%, 90%, and 100%. But I usually tint the whole thing toward blue.

[AMC]  Prepared by Adam M. Costello
 Last modified: 2002-Aug-15-Thu 05:32:50 GMT
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